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Integrated Disease management

• For nursery bed preparation, solarise soil during summer for one month by using 700 gauge polythene mulch to eliminate pathogen propagules.
•  Prepare raised beds and mix the nursery soil with Trichoderma @ 50g/M2 or drench nursery bed with COC (0.3%) or Captan (0.2%) before sowing.
• Seed treatment with Captaf/Thiram (0.2%) or with Trichoderma harzianum talc formulation @ 5gm/kg
• Drench seedling bed with Coper oxychloride (0.3%), when damping off is observed.
• Foliar application of Acephate (0.15%) against thrips and Mancozeb(0.2%) against leafspot disease. 

• Soil-application of bio-control agents viz, Trichoderma harzianum or T. viride, Gliocladium virens or Bacillus subtilis @ 1 kg/ 100Kg FYM against soil borne diseases and to maintain soil health.
• Apply fungicides such as Chlorothalonil (0.2 %) or Propineb (0.2 %) or Mancozeb (0.2%) at fortnightly intervals from onset of the Purple Blotch disease.
• Foliar and soil application of Carbendazim (0.1%) or Benomyl (0.1%) if basal rot is observed (need based).
• Foliar application of Thiophanate methyl (0.1%) if smudge and neck rot is noticed (need based).
• Spray insecticides like Imidachoropid (0.03%), Acephate (0.15%) or Fipronil (0.1%) at fortnightly intervals to manage thrips
• Chemical spray can be alternated with emulsified neem oil (1.5%) or emulsified pongamia oil (1.5%) to manage insect/ diseases to minimise the usage of chemicals