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Onion Varieties
released by IIHR

Arka Kalyan:
This high yielding variety (35-45t/ha) has deep red, globe shaped bulbs. It is moderately resistant to purple blotch disease and is preferred for cultivation during Kharif season.

Duration of the crop is 140 days.


Arka Kirthiman
High yielding F1 hybrid
Medium size bulbs with globe shape and firm texture
Bulbs red to light red in colour
Bulb weight : 120 -125 g
Long storage life (4-5 months)
Suitable for Kharif and Rabi season
Duration : 125-130 days
Bulb Yield: 45 t/ha


Arka Lalima:
High yielding F1 hybrid
Medium to big sized bulbs with globe shape and firm texture
Bulbs red to dark red in colour
Bulb weight: 120-130g
Long storage life (4-5 months)
Suitable for Kharif and Rabi seasons
Duration :130-140 days

Bulb yield: 47 t/ha


Arka Akshay :
Synthetic Onion

It is a tri-parental synthetic variety
Bulb colour : Dark Red
Bulb shape: Globe
Average bulb weight: 115 g
Crop duration : 130 days
Average yield : 45 t/ha


Arka Bheem: 
Synthetic Onion

It is a tri-parental synthetic variety
Bulb colour: Red to pinkish red
Bulb shape : Elongated globe
Average bulb weight: 120 g
Crop duration: 130 days
Average yield: 47 t/ha


Arka Niketan:

Medium sized, globe shaped bulbs of this high yielding variety have attractive red colored scales.
Average yield: 33 to 40t/ha
It has excellent storage quality and can be successfully grown both in Rabi and Kharif seasons.
Crop duration is about 145 days.